Thursday, November 30, 2006

BAD DAY...BAD DAY!!!!!!... ... Today's friendly wasn't that well played... quite demorilizing... = (
I keep missing most of the balls shot, especially the foul throw ( which i totally missed all the shots given ) ... haiz... really need to train harder than before... ...Today straight after the match, Mr Roy Ng together with the coach chose the so call main 15... ...though i've been selected ( not trying to showing off )... ... but i must remember not to be complacent... as the number would decrease to 12 main players ... ...Heard that the training would be intensified & longer ... which clearly means, less time to revise for next year's dignostic test ... ... really need to manage my time properly in terms of completing the holiday assignments, as well as working hard for both studies and in sports... ...haha... lolx... just hope to remain encouraged and motivated... lolx = )

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Phew... today's training at school really drained me off man... so tired...lolx...hehe...though today's training for physical wasn't really that tiring, the matches which we played in school was really intensed... working together, communicating. Especially when team you're in isn't really up to you're expectations... but in such situation i guess we have no choice but to make do in whatever situation we're in... lolx = )

Monday, November 27, 2006

WOW... hehe... Started part of my literature homework le...lolx... For the first time in the holidays...hehe...felt that i should really work on the homework given...lolx...hope that i would be able to motivate myself to finish it as soon as possible...lolx...dislike doing last minute work...lolx

Sunday, November 26, 2006 i did nothing much actually...lolx...Just had maths tuition in the morning...and then just had to clear up the mess renovators did to the house while fixing the two new cupboards and the bed... ...All those drilling, sawing and knocking really made the house so noisy yet messly and dusty... ...Sooo...the whole family did some sort of ''spring cleaning''... the house looks much more cleaner and clearer...lolx = )

Friday, November 24, 2006

Haha what a day i had today... ... took such a long time just to create this blog...lolx = ) Actually it wasn't really my effort... HeHe...must thank Jing Yuan who helped load some items though it really did not worked out, but it doesn't really matters thanks anyway...the other person whom i am most thankful to is Ying Ying who took lots of efforts and probably time to help me set up the whole )