Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hahas, finally I've got the photos!!! LOL!!! =) =) =)

Woops~~ Where's me? Lolx!!

Waa~~ Marcus my shoulder's aching!!! LOL!!!

Woo~~ That's gonna hurt when we let go!!! Lolx!!

It's ok Jingyan~~ We only lost~~ Don't cry~~

KianHwee stop waving at the ball!!!

Please don't tell anyone I ate crabs when i'm not suppose to~~ Hehehe~~ =P

SMILE!!!!!! =) =) =)

Really tired right now~~ Lolx!!

GOODNIGHT!!! =) =) =)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Friday evening

Went to the school's annual speech day.. Lolx.. though it starts at 5.30pm but we had to report at 4pm... The waiting time for the event to start and end was about 3 hour plus.. And it really takes a whole lot of patience to sit right through the event. =X =X

Hmm, all I can say after attending the speech day is that, ''we reap what we sow''... Lolx, this sounds crappy, but I think it's true because last time when I usually take the bus to school, I would see this person reading MC every morning without fail and then now I see this person receiving a prize because this person has scored a few distinctions.

Well, this has actually inspired me to put in more effort in my school work and studies.. (Although I haven't been putting in ample effort in doing so) But I'll try my best.. Lolx.. A little encouragement for everyone.. JIAYOU !!! and STRIVE FOR THE BEST!!! LOL!!! =) =)

So... After the speech day we all went to catch the movie, ''The Dark Knight'' (Batman). Man~~!! I've waited months for the movie to be screened at the cinemas but I would say this time batman wasn't as trilling as before (Batman Begins), although there was more events in the show, but the stunts and actions were being compromised.. Hopefully the next chapter of Batman would be better and I look forward to it!!! (If there is~~) =X =X


Woo~~ After my church ended at 7.30pm... I trained down to Bugis to join Jessica, Keyi, Wailing, Jingyuan, Jianhorng, Marcus, Kokwan, Jingyan and Yiping to have steamboat together. Lolx, they were all so nice because they started eating at 5pm but they waited for me to join them and also stayed with me till i had my fill~~ Feel so loved.. Hahas... =) =) =)

After that we all went to the Singapore River to photo, talk crap, chat and even telling one another's secret~~ HAHAHAHAs!!!! Shhhhhhhhhhh~~~ =X =X =X


Hahas, actually I've nothing to say much about today~~ Lolx, pretty tired after playing basketball with Junjie, Chongyew and the rest.. It's been a long time since I've touch the ball.. Lolx. Kinda miss those times when we all used to have trainings together and even matches~~ Anyways, these memories shall not be forgotten~~ =) =) =)

Monday, July 14, 2008


Woo~~ Went to Sentosa to ''enjoy'' ourselves.. Lolx!!! Alright, the reason why I said ''enjoy'' was not because I didn't enjoyed myself, but it's just that it's pretty difficult to think of fun when prelims are just around the corner.. Nevertheless, I still managed to have FUN!!! Lolx!! (abit ironic) =X

We met at 8am
at Macdonald's for breakfast and then headed out for Sentosa.. lolx.. The first thing which we did there was to play volleyball... And... Guess who we played with?... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... We had a game with our school's very own C' division boy's team!!! (Mr Vincent Lee whom I've not seen for a long time was there too~~ =X =X ) And I think we can all guess the outcome of the two matches~~ (Yea~ We were all trashed by the team!!!)

Next, We all did some silly stuffs at the sea.. For example completing with ourselves, who could ''piggy back'' the most number of persons on our back.. Lolx!!! (That was crappy~~) Then.. we all had a sandball fight (similar to a snowball fight).. throwing sandball at each another~~ (Gosh, trust me, you wouldn't want to be shot at from the back especially with your skin being scorched by the sun!! Wooo~~ Excruciating Pain!!! =X =X)

After that, I left Sentosa at 3pm to vivo-city to grab lunch from Sub-Way and straight to church.. Lolx!! (I would say Sub-Way is the best thing the world could provide!!! Lolx!! Yummy~~) =) =) =)


Hmm, not too sure why I feel so tired in school today cause I slept for 12hrs yesterday.. Puzzled~~ =X =X

Gosh, recently I've been slacking in my revision and school work~~ Hope to get back to my mugging mode soon~~ =X =X

JIAYOU!!! JIAYOU!!! =) =) =) =)

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


After my tuition, went to church for a practice then to my uncle's place as usual~~ Then guess what? ... ... My whole family attended my sister boyfriend uncle's wake!! It was quite an awkward experience to be present at a situation like mine~~ At least his parents were out-going people~~ Lolx. =) =)


Woo~~ Keyi, Jessica and Eline came to my church for a little visit~~ Lolx, my first time playing for the main worship session during the "Youth Sunday" event -- would like to thank them for their support!!! !!! =) =) =)

Later on, we all went, together with Jingyan who joined us later, to "Zhen Fa" Seafood Steamboat Restaurant to eat.. Lolx.. I didn't know that the outlet previously at Marina Bay had shifted to Novena, and transformed into something so high class.. Lolx. I would say the food really rocks!!! lolx! =) =)

After eating, I took the train back to Lot 1 to meet Jian Horng, Kok Wan and the rest to watch, "Wanted"... ... Due to a tummy ache, I was half an hour late for the movie!!! The situation couldn't get any "better" when I realised that though they met at Lot 1.. But.. They were actually going to watch it at Westmall!!! =X =X =X

Thankfully the taxi driver drove swiftly, if not i would have missed more parts of the show.. Phew~~ =X =X


Had a really moody start today. =( =(

Hopefully I have not transfered any of this moodiness to any of my friends and classmates in school. =X =X

Hmm, till now I still don't understand why I have this morose feeling today... =X =X
Anyways, cheer up cheer up!!! =) =) =)

Friday, July 04, 2008

YES!!! I am finally able grabbed the ring!!! !!! WOOHOOOO~~ (Hehe, please don't tell anyone someone helped me up~~ LOL!!! ) =X =X

Woo~~ This week's rather hectic~~ Pretty exhausted~~ =X

Hahas, had lots of fun today!!! !!! My class played the ''hunters & squirrel'' game during the 1 hour long ''Free & easy'' period before the School Bazaar.. Lolx, the bazaar was quite exciting at the beginning but towards the end it became really dry... Guess what some of my classmates and I did to entertain ourselves?

WE PLAYED CATCHING ON THE FIELD!!! LOL!!! Though some of us might think that catching are just for kids, but it's really fun especially if there's nothing to do! Lolx. (Hehe, and I was the last person to be caught during the second game.. Yeah!! ) =) =)

Okies, it's not that I managed to outrun the catchers, but I was just better at hiding~~ LOL!!! After this game of catching I realised that my stamina has plummeted wayyyy low!!! Now I feel really guilty finishing a third of the blueberry yogurt left in the fridge at this late hour of time in the night!!! =X =X

Hmmm, I've been really motivating myself to work even harder from now onwards.. AND.. No more empty promises
~ ( As i have posted my enthusiasm towards studies in my previous post~) Lolx!! =) =)

For my fellow friends, continue to stay focus on target in have set for yourselves and stay motivated!!! We all can do it!!! =P =P

JIAYOU!!! JIAYOU!!! =) =) =) =)

Tuesday, July 01, 2008



I'M A HAPPY MUGGGGGER!!!! =) =) =)