Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ohmy Ohmy I'm lost. I'm not sure what's going on. I can't seem to concentrate. And I'm feeling very guilty for not touching much of my homework. With only one more day left before monday blues steps in. I must really stop dota-ing, ahhh shouldn't have gey kiang start playing when i managed to stop. =(

Ohyes, school's started and it really feels different. I would say weird cos maybe some of us might not have seen each other for weeks. Anyways on the bright side I think i'm just being paranoid according to luckybluebirds. Yes time flies and yea we all in year 2. Alot is excepted from us now like nobody's gonna like scold us for not studying. It's all about initiative which is what I'm currently struggling with.

Anyways my saving plan was a total failure, which means I'm really broke. GOSH someone save me. Goodnight!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Bro's early 16th birthday celebration at my uncle's place. (As you can see there are two cakes.. goes to show how much we all eat.. Monsters) =P

K lah we actually hardly take photo together cos we're all so busy. Must cherish this photo. =)

Okies I went to town today again! And this time round I realised that I do have alot of things i wanna get. (Like only three items)

-A jacket
-A slipper
-An i-touch

Although it's just three items but it's gonna be really Ex! Shall keep everybody in suspense about where i'll get my items. LOL!! (Lame I know)

Shortly after 'shopping' I went to uncle's place to celebrate bro's 16th birthday. Got so many gifts. (envious) Anyways my bro is like finally 16th. Looking forward to his 18th and then finally 21st. Why you might ask. Cos the older he gets means the more matured he'll be. Then we would understand each other much better. And there would be less immature quarreling. Which means I'm sure I'll benefit the most when my bro grows up. =)

Okies sadly school's like gonna open TMR!! Yes and yes. It's the end of the 'LONG' vacation. Did alot of thinking during this break and I'm all set to move on with my study life. NO MORE FOOLING AROUND MR. CHOW YI LAI, ELY. Please arh tolong tolong. Adding on, I wanna be more thrifty. Hopefully my budget plan would work. =)

Actually i've more to say but I really needa re-adjust my nocturnal clock to the usual time. So yup those around me who are starting and have started. JIAYOU!!!!!! =) =)

Sunday, April 11, 2010


YEAH!! I'm back and I've survive FOW and FOC; not by participating in the games and stuffs they have for the freshies but by doing the most tedious part of the camp. LOGISTICS!! And I'm really proud to say the word Logistics. (not in a show-off kinda tone but as a normal logger myself)

During the 7 days camp, which was no joke, And we all worked together so nicely (of course plus and minus those part where we all were so drained we just didn't want to talk to anyone) that i didn't realised until the end of the camp when our log heads serene and ann hin told us during the debrief that we had about 9-13 fluctuating loggers and still managed to pull through the logistics section of the camp. Believe me and we still had time to play monopoly, bridge and many more! =P

Yup and sadly it's the end of the camp. i'll really miss my experience working with those around me and especially annhin and serene whom both have graduated from TP and are moving on to their next phase of life in university soon. Good luck in both of your endeavours. =)

And yes myself. It's seems I understand myself much better after this camp. I now know that being a programmer and Gl (group leader) is totally out of my options for next year's FOW and FOC. Because no matter what i still do have the shy and introvert nature still lingering in me. And yes i really dislike crowds. And another thing is about how I work with people. Anyways matter what I'm still I.

Yo that's me!! =)

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Okies I'm not supposed to blog cos I'm supposed to be awake by 5am later. But anyways I can't sleep either cos of my sun-burnt which makes me very hot an uncomfortable to sleep.

Well Freshmen orientation workshop (FOW) is done and there's still freshmen orientation camp (FOC) later on. I'm not too sure why we have to go back today but anyways good in one way because I ran out of underwear. EXCEPT for the travelling aspect which I spent $18.80 for cab home cos I don't wanna trouble my parents. Though it's in my budget of $20 but I still feel that it's really a waste of money to cab home from school.

And yes the reason is due to my overwhelming tiredness. Mainly due to the reduced lack of man power as compared to the orientation training camp I had in december. Adding on are some unreasonable programmers and some useless foodmin. (But relax, I'm not that great and not all progs and foodmin are like that)

So yup today's the most tiring day. ( U can tell because I am actually half dozing half typing.) AND AND AND I fell down today at the amphitheatre cos of the slippery soap on the floor.

Okies I BTH already gonna sleep already!! =P

Friday, April 02, 2010


HAHAHA Okies let my pictures, which took me two days to finish upload due to the size of photo, do the talking. I'm too tired. =)

Clear day~~

When the clouds do their usual visit in the morn and night.

3D map of genting which we managed to explore around half of it.

First world hotel which we stayed in.

man-made waterfall

HAHA a picture of someone who wants to hide from somebody. Blending in the tree trunk.

Haha i actually waited for the train to come before taking the picture.

Pirate ship which i didn't take. Not I'll feel sick the whole day.

Birds which I think have very sad lives being caged up.

I tripped on this plight of stone steps.

Everyone whom I went with to genting.

Haha I wanted to take a plain picture but they insisted to be in the picture. LOL!

Day view.

night view.

Flowers which my mum would be glad to see.

Ohyes my favourite tree over there.

Awesome scenery which makes you wanna stay there forever. Better still with someone special. RANDOM~~~

I actually step into their comfort zone to take this photo. Which u can see their are waiting to either attack me or flee.

But it's just awesome to see a pack of dogs over there. I mean it's rare since they are despised by the yalams.