Saturday, August 25, 2007

Wooooo~~ Just came back from Sentosa... lolx... Went with... JH, XT, KW, JESS T, Janelle, Marcus, KH, CY, SL and WL... lolx... Went to Food Republic at Vivo City to eat dinner; sort of skiped lunch... lol... The things there was like ---- " cheap " ... Hahas, bought three BBQ chicken, Laksa, pork chop and ice kacang... lolx... Spent like over 20 bucks just on eating... Shhh... hahas... but... Am still hungry right now... lolx =X =X

OK... Feel like a cooked lobster right now hahas... Hope it's not too obvious... lolx... Feel really really tired especially because of today's training... Tired Tired Tired~~~ lolx =) =X

Friday, August 24, 2007

Haha... yeah!!! prelim's been over since wednesday... Got back some prelim results already... Was like... Bad... Horrible... terrible... ... Hmm, must be motivated to work harder for the " N " levels... Jiayou!!! =)

Hahs, been like playing bball for like the past three days... Quite worn out; and there's like trg tmr... Tired~~... Hahas, going for training first then to Sentosa... lolx... gonna like release all my stress and frustrations there and when i come back; wanna be more focus on studies and in the bball game... =) =)

Jiayou!!! Jiayou!!! jiayou!!! =) =) =)

Friday, August 17, 2007

Hahs... This week has gone by really quickly!!! ;Maybe because of the prelims... lol... Think i'm gonna flung the prelims arh... Didn't really study; even if i did, it's all last minute... ... Hmm, hope that this will spur me to work hard for both the " N "s and the " O "s this end of year... hahas ... =) =)

Went for training today... Waa, so tiring... Trained for awhile and then to stop cos tiger wouldn't allow... Sense that Mr Willie is in deep ---- ... lolx...

Hmm, still got three more subjects for prelims next week... Argh!!! Chinese!!!... Nvm... lolx... good luck for the papers next week... Jiayou bah!!! =) =) =)

Monday, August 06, 2007

Hmm, Yesterday went with JH, XT, Marcus, Cy, Kh, Kw, Wl, Jess T & Janelle to the top of Marina Square to experience the fireworks upclose... Wow, the experience was great!!! !!! ... Hahahas... Though the feeling of being squashed by a million of '' Kia su '' people pushing from the back was terrible, it was worth while... =)

Then walked a few miles to a food court to eat; was like so hungry cos it was like around 9 plus after all those walking... =X Reach home at about 12 sth... lolx...

Ohh... Prelims next week... Haven't really prepared for it... Gosh!!! !!! Someone save me!!! Hmm, Btw... EVERYBODY JIAYOU FOR PRELIMS ARH !!! !!! =) =)

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Hahas... best day of my life... lolx .. Went for training today then celebrated my birthday with my friends in school and later with my family at home... =) =) Think my stomach's gonna explode after so much eating... lolx...

Really... really want to thank all my friends... Jian horng, Kian hwee, Marcus, Amos, Kok Wan, Chong Yew, Siang Lian, Jing Yuan, Rainer, Wailing, Shirlyn, Jessica Teo, Janelle, Keyi, Sandy, Eline, Jessica Tan ... For the presents, the celebration, the chocolate cake, and the treat to Seoul Garden this saturday... Man!!! thanks a lot guys!!! So touched~~ =x =x =) =)