Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Okies I've received my 'O' level results and I'm seriously very shocked from it~~ Totally speechless.. Believe me.. Not even my parents anticipated that I would be able to get this results.. And I would say I really out-did myself and I am really satisfied.. =) =) =)

First, I really really really thank God for pulling me through.. Without His encouragement/motivation/help.. etc. through friends and families.. I would really be nothing, and I mean seriously nothing~~ I mean who could bring a D7
grade for English during prelims to a such a grade in 'O'.. I seriously can't~~ All my praise goes out to Him because only He could do that, and I'm so humbled by Him. Thank You so much~~~~~~~ =) =) =)

Second, there are my peer study group.. Keyi, Jingyan, Jessica and Wai Ling. I sincerely thank you girls for pulling me out of the pit (and I really mean those kind of pit where if you drop a stone in, there would be no echo produced because it's too deep).. Especially Keyi's encouragement where we would all be so motivated to study no matter how mood-less we were to even pick up a book. Thank you so much!!! Really~~~ =) =) =)

Next, the support of my family especially Mum who would ferry me to school or back or both for almost everyday, take care of me when I'm sick, giving me lots of health supplements to increase my immune system, giving me extra $$$ so that I would have more than enough to go out and study.. and many many more~~ Indeed I'm so really thankful to have a caring mum.. Love you so much!! =) =) =)

Lastly, to all my friends, classmates and everyone who had just received their results.. Be it good, moderate or not so good, let us move on and not dwell on it because we cannot change our results.. But we can still change what we would be in future. So let us not give up hope and continue to move on. =) =) =)