Tuesday, March 17, 2009

One of my favourite picture taken from siloso beach at sentosa~~~ Lolx!

Cool~~ Way long since I have posted something.. Looks like my blog's kinda rotting~~~

Hmm, not alot of happenings recently (I'm being ironic here~~~~).. Just shopping for clothes, shoes, bags.. etc.. going for movies, eating buffets, going for karaoke sessions, cabbing so often like there's no tomorrow, having attended three guitar lessons so far, working for 4 days and celebrating Kokwan & Chong yew's 18th
birthday... not in time sequence~~ Lolx!

Anyways I've just calculated my total expenditure for the last three weeks and they added up to like $300+++ Further more I've just bought a 8Gb thumb drive from funan
like for $66++ (but it's very good quality) because I dislike squeezing through crowded places like the IT fair at suntec, so yup I like paid $20++ extra~~~ =X =X .. Although it's just just money withdrawn from the bank which I did not work for but I still feel equally HEART-ACHE!!! I'm pretty sure it sounds quite unbelievable and exaggerating but it's for REAL!!! Gosh~~~ So.. To make up for it I'm gonna work soon~~~ So there goes my freedom~~~ =X =X

Gosh we're like mid-way March so that means poly's starting soon~~~ Excited Yet unenthused about going poly.. Excited because I'll be moving on and getting on with life again, unlike being stagnant like what I'm experiencing now~~~ Lolx! Hmm, unenthused because I really dislike socialising and stepping out of my comfort zone but I'm also aware that socialising and communication with people is very important.. so yup, wish me all the best~~ Hahas, and for extrovert friends who have tips about socialising.. do share with me ya? Lolx!!

Now, more about me physically~~~ I've received quite a few comments from people who have not seen me for awhile that I HAVE ACTUALLY GOTTEN BIGGER (Fatter to be precised) =X =X.. That actually decreases 200% of my self-esteem~~~ (Just kidding~~~) And to solve this problem, dieting is my way of losing weight.. But it's really easier said then done because I've told a lot of friends that I wanna diet, but I've yet to really go on a diet~~ (guess my friends might be giggling upon reading this now~~) Lolx!!!

Hmm, recently I've been eating the wrong stuffs and having inadequate sleep which increases my volcanoes day by day~~ and usually when it erupts, the epic-centre would cause much agony and pain~~ Gosh, dislike that~~ =X =X I'm sure one of my friend who's name starts with a W. would know pretty well~~ Right?~~~ Lolx!!! =P =P

I guess I better get sleeping soon~~ LOL!! Goodnight~~~ =) =)