Anyway the Holidays for me has not been going smoothly at all.
-It's really boring and not really happening
-Nags from my mum to clear my room
-Everybody at home thinks I'm free and bombard me with things/chores to do.
-And well my results.. I failed a paper and yes.. Gonna retake it on the 22nd. =(
Yeah no point going into self pity and blah blah~~ That's not really myself. I mean I deserve it, and i should learn this lesson not to rely on last minute mugging. =) So yup I'm gonna do my very best for the supplementary papers. YES I SHOULD!! Would be glad to receive encouragements~~ I mean it can motivate me. =)
And yes I went for an interview today at eunos. Ok I realised that it's the job some of my friends has been talking about; All lies and blah blah.. But I think I'll give the job and chance. I mean they pay good cash for only a short period of time of work. Hopefully it's not just my naive thinking. Anyway I'm motivate to work I wanna get my Ipod Touch YEAH!! And also save up the genting trip.
Oh man I just love the song, "Welcome to mystery", been like listening to non-stop. (Thanks to Joey's intro) here goes the lyrics... ... ...
Imagine a place you can always escape to
An island off the coast of nowhere
A new destination of your own creation
Just waiting till you choose to go there
Blue treats of and velvet skies
Blue ready to blow your mind
This is a place where your mind can escape
All the problems today and go far, far away
This is a time with no history
Welcome to mystery
Yup I really need my mind to escape man!! Even if it's just for a day i wouldn't mind~~ =) My mind is exploding with so many things on my mind. Quite ironic i know; I mean sometimes I really look happy go lucky but in actual fact tons of things are processing in my head. =X
Ohyes! I recently started practicing the piano again.. And.. I'm actually addicted to one of the classical song. (forgot the name) Anyways i could really play the song non-stop for 45 minutes and if I include other songs I'll take 2 hours minimum. It's crazy right? Anyways it's my holidays so I must make the very most out of it. =P