Saturday, December 22, 2007


Okies.. got my "N" levels results on that day.. It was so so arh~~ lolx.. Then quickly rushed home to pack bag for chalet and booked a maxis cab to pasir ris.. Turned out to be a Mercedes cab and so the five of us had to squeezed in the cab and had to pay $16 for just booking the cab!!! =X Total -.-''

Reached the chalet then waited for the rest to arrive before we booked in.. Cleaned the place and then went to fetch Soonbeng from downtown east.. Bought groceries and then had dinner at a nearby kopitiam.. lolx.. Yumyum~~


Rainer, Kokwan, Chongyew, Amos and me Skipped training~~~ =X =X =X

Went to Wildwildwet in the early afternoons.. Was the first time i went and though it was fun but it wasn't what i thought it would be... Hahahas... Went to borrow some Vcds after a take away from KFC.. Then again, Yumyum.. Hahas...

Rented bikes at the chalet itself and wanted to cycle to the end of the park but it rained.. =(
=( On the way back it stopped raining.. Sooo... we stopped by at the playground which i have missed for months, and played really uncontrollably~~

Went back bathed then we played a silly game called 24 using Poka cards.. Kokwan, Chongyew and Jianhorng keep on sabo-ing me lor.. Then i had to do 48 pushups before sleeping =X =X (Till now i still do not know if they even got the number) Hahas, think they all K-siao one.. lolx...


Got up quite late and so we had breakfast and lunch at the same time during noon.. hahahas.. Went to renew our food and drinks stock and borrowed a few more Vcds... Then Keyi, Jessica, Rowena, Eline and Sandy arrived straight from their camp.. We went back to chalet together then started preparing for the BBQ... lolx... Was really enjoyable~~ =) =P =D

Then we went to explore Pasir Ris.. Cycled all around Pasir Ris.. From the Red house to the end of Pasir Ris Park and then back the Chalet... Didn't sleep because it was the last day.. Watched movie and played till 5am..


The six of us packed our stuffs.. Kianhwee, Weehao and Jian horng had to leave for work while Chongyew, Kokwan and I had to rush down to Westspring Sec for a friendly match.. Was really tired then... lolx... Really enjoyed the chalet.. Hahahahas.. My first~~ lolx... Would post the pictures when i have the time to.. lolx... =X


Just came back from my uncle's place.. Cos everybody's got their own ocassion on Christmas and so we had an early celebration today.. lolx...

ARH... The end of the school holidays are drawing near~~ Have yet to touch my school homework which means>>> Zzz ... guess i'll be celebrating Christmas with homework (Hahaha.. say only arh, don't know if i'll really do it) =X =X =X


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