Saturday, January 26, 2008

Ok.. 'O' Level results were out.. Scored B3 for maths and a fail for Chinese... Argh, awfully disappointed.. =(

Would be retaking Maths but dropping Chinese.. Hopefully i'll be able to cope that way~~ Lately my classmates and friends have commented that i've been sleeping in class very often.. i guess so too~~ lolx.. Hmmm, must get rid of this habit~ Wakey Wakey~~ =X =X

Lots of homework this week especially for English.. And also a few tests for next week.. Gosh!!! Must Jiayou!!! =) =)

Bball match next tuesday.. Abit sian because it's a half day and the match starts at 4pm.. lolx.. Heard that lots of people going to support.. Feeling abit nervous and further more, it's gonna be coach's husband so winning may be an issue... Nvm.. Just have to jiayou lor.. Go Go Go!!! Hahahahas.. =) =)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Friday, January 18, 2008

Woooo~~ The most tiring week of all... Ahh exhausted~~

Time practice... Training... Tournament... All energy absorber~~ lolx.

Thank goodness today training was cancelled.. lolx.. if not i wouldn't be here at home blogging... hahahas... =) =)

Celebrated Desmond's belated birthday today at Mrs Chiang room.. lolx.. Then went to play bball all the way till 6pm plus... ... Now i'm really tired~~ lolx.. =X

Hopefully next week would be even better~~ lolx.. I hope~~ =) =) =)

Saturday, January 12, 2008


What a rough week this week... From trying my best to pay attention in class to training physically hard for basketball... Feeling soooooooooo tired.. That's why my blog starting to rot... hahas...

Gosh~~ I've really never felt this stressed up and worst still.. It's only the start of the year~~ This is really affecting cause i haven't been socialising much with the people around me... Sometimes feel like giving up.. Think i'm gonna blow! ... ... Need someone to talk to~~ =X =X

Hopefully this week would be better.. hopefully~~~ Jiayou arh Ely and my friends too!!! =) =)

Went with Marcus, kh, kw, jh, zy, wh, chong yew, chin yong, chong qing to cineleisure's Suki to eat.. In view of MARCUS coming birthday.. lolx... Ate quite alot but still ended up being hungry after walking abit at cine..=P Also wnet to the arcade to chill out.. really needed that man~~ At least i feel refreshed.. lolx.. =) =) Argh~~ now having stomach pain~~ =x =X =X

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Yo Yo... It's 2008!! lolx...

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!! !!! =) =) =)

This year's resolution...

- Study hard for "O"s (Hopefully~~)

- Play hard for Basketball tournament this year (Jiayou Bah~~)

- Be less Lazy~~

- Be Happy Always~~ =) =D =P

Hahas, the first day of New year's always the most fun yet the most sleepy day... lolx... Torned at my friend's house the whole night to count down for this year... lolx... Was really enjoyable.. =) =) =)

Reached home at 10am today... Then went out again to Queensway Shopping Centre to get my bball shoe and bag; Then to cut hair.. and then back home.. lolx.. The moment i got home, i slept like a pig till now.. lolx.. Gosh ~~ Gonna catch mosquito tonight~~ Hahahas.. Wished we had a sort of " Holiday in lieu" kind of thingy.. lolx... =) =)

Tomorrow's back to school again.. Mixed feelings~~ hahahas.. Ohya, gosh~~ Yet to complete my homework!!! Zzz.. Zzzz... HAHAHAS, guess i really need to work hard for my third resolution~~ lolx. =X=X