Saturday, January 26, 2008

Ok.. 'O' Level results were out.. Scored B3 for maths and a fail for Chinese... Argh, awfully disappointed.. =(

Would be retaking Maths but dropping Chinese.. Hopefully i'll be able to cope that way~~ Lately my classmates and friends have commented that i've been sleeping in class very often.. i guess so too~~ lolx.. Hmmm, must get rid of this habit~ Wakey Wakey~~ =X =X

Lots of homework this week especially for English.. And also a few tests for next week.. Gosh!!! Must Jiayou!!! =) =)

Bball match next tuesday.. Abit sian because it's a half day and the match starts at 4pm.. lolx.. Heard that lots of people going to support.. Feeling abit nervous and further more, it's gonna be coach's husband so winning may be an issue... Nvm.. Just have to jiayou lor.. Go Go Go!!! Hahahahas.. =) =)


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