Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hmm, common test this week...

English --> Jump off building~~

Social Studies --> Bang head on the wall~~

Hahas, okies not that i really did that, but I really feel that i didn't do so well today~~ =( Time management and mis-interpretation was the main cause~~ =X

It's geography paper tomorrow... Hopefully i'll be able to do well tomorrow~~ lolx

GOOK LUCK To EVERYONE Especially Me!!!


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hahas, not sure if it's just me... But i really find that everyday passes by so quickly... lolx... Nowadays spending most of my time studying and studying~~ Though it's really boring, but i must force myself if i want to make it for the 'O's this year... =X =X

Hmm, think i sick already~~ Guess it's a yearly thing cause every year during April i would fall sick... lolx... My throat's killing me now~~ =( =( Ohno... Guess i wouldn't be able to play any ball games this week cause my thumb was sprained by CY~~ Now it's swollen like a sausuage... =( =(
Hopefully it cures really fast, so that i can play ball during P.E. this week... LOL!!!

Ohya, common test is coming really quickly.. Just want to motivate everyone to study hard for the common test this time round... And that includes myself!!! LOL!!!

JIAYOU !!! JIAYOU!!! =) =)

Monday, April 07, 2008

Hahas, time really flies man!!! lolx... The Sports carnival has finally ended, that means no more excuses to stay back after school to play volleyball and going to Sentosa every week.. lolx.. And the results of the our class volleyball game was third place.. lolx.. It took me two days to fully ''digest'' the match because it's been a very long time since i've experienced so much nervousness and pressure especially when it was mostly my mistakes that cause the team to lose.. =X =X But i still managed to enjoy myself during the carnival.. lolx.. =)

Later in the night on friday.. Went to Westmall to watch overnight movies.. lolx.. Waa, watched the show ''untraceable''.. Was a triller movie on a saddist who torture innocence people and blah blah... lolx.. Kind of gore~~ =X =X After that took a cab back home.. lolx.. Felt guilty because i spent $40 on that day itself... =X =X Need to be thrifty~~~ LOL!!