Saturday, May 10, 2008

Hahas, Woo!!! Finally have time to blog... lolx.. wailing just reminded me on my tagboard that the common test are finally over... YEAH!!!!!!!! ... ... The reason why the size of the letters are decreasing is because i didn't did so well for this second common test. =( =(

Okies, look on the bright side... There's still the mock exams and prelims... Just have to put in extra effort (more than what i've said during the previous February post)... LOL!!! Must stay positive!!! Jiayou!!! !!! =) =)

Went out today to chill out.. lolx.. Then went to my uncle's place as usual~~~ Hahas, It's Mother's Day in 10 minutes... Just wanna wish all mothers (especially my mummy) around the globe, an early HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY!!! !!! =) =) Everybody cherish your mother because we've got only one precious mum.. lolx. =P


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