Monday, May 19, 2008

Okies, I was trick by Kh that Jh and the rest won the Dota competition.. Sooo... After going out with my family, who later went to my uncle's place, I took the train back to Jh house to "celebrate" with them~~ =X

Lolx, they only told me that it was just a joke only an hour after i've reach!! By then it was too late to go back to AMK to have dinner with my family and relatives. Lolx. =(

After church went to meet Jh, kw, Jy, marcus and Kh at Orchard to eat and then to Kbox at cineleisure.. Lolx, my first time going~~ Hahas, like country pumkin~~ =x

LOL!! Anyways, after our slot at Kbox, we met keyi and the rest and hang out outside Taka for awhile then went back home.. Lolx. =) =)

Woo~~ Woke up at 2.30pm today.. LOL!!! Forgot to set alarm clock today~~ Hahas, didn't go out today( very good boy ).. Lolx, instead I stayed at home to finish my homework.. Was so happy that I've done my EW because at first i didn't feel like doing it~~ Lolx =) =P

Hahas, tomorrow's gonna be a school day and... ISP!!! =X =X =X

Lolx, I don't feel like going to school tmr~~ ( Hahas, like i can~~) LOL!!!

Anyways, Jiayou!!! =) =)


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