Friday, May 23, 2008

Wooo~~ Yet another week has passed and it gets faster and faster each week~~ =X =X

Had Parents-meet-the-teachers session yesterday.. Saw my report book, so did my mum... 23points?? Way off for what i want to achieve for the "O"s.. Really stressed ~~ =( =( However my mum wasn't disappointed but instead encouraged me to do better ( Which somehow make even more stressed~~ =X =X )

Must really make full use of the holidays this June to catch up.. But i don't really have the whole June because of ISP and Church Camps... Must put in my very best this time~~ =) =)

" The soul is willing but the body's weak~~ " =X =X

However I shall make my body stronger by getting rid of my lazyiness!!!.. lolx..



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