Friday, May 16, 2008

Wow!!! So many events happened this week.. lolx..

Went to Pulau Bukom for a "learning journey?" LOL!!! (didn't really learn anything from it.)

Don't really like travelling on sea, but good thing it was just for a while~~ lolx.. (seasick~~ =X)

Went to Republic Polytechnic.. (The poly was like Soooooo BIG) lolx!!!

Didn't go there for the open house, but I went there together with Zhi Yang, Rainer, Kh and marcus to support Kw, jh, weehao, Chinyong and jingshun in their (DOTA) (WCG) competition.. lolx. =P

They won and their moving on to their 2nd round tmr... lolx.. Wouldn't be able to go and support them but hopely they'll be able to win.. hahas... Cause they've waited, practise and dreamt about winning for 4 years~~ lolx.

ALL THE BEST!!! =) =)

Ohhh!!!! I've finally had P.E. Woohooo~~ LOL!!! Have been like waiting for three weeks? Hahas... Managed to have lots of fun!!! lolx (Think that's the only thing i like; having fun) lolx..

Gosh intensive study programme(ISP)'s coming soon~~ It can quite scary just by looking at the time table.. LOL!!... Although feeling lifeless about it... BUT... I must persevere and be motivated in order to achieve my goal... Hopefully everyone feels encouraged too~~ Hahas. =P =)


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