Saturday, August 16, 2008

Well well.. Had been a pretty hectic and tiring week studying for the prelims. Lolx, slept from 11pm till 1.30pm today.. Thought that by sleeping later today would help me feel less sleepy and alert, but it's totally the opposite and worst still.. I've got a headache from morning till now... =X =X =X

Anyways, after going through the second week preliminary examinations.. Burning midnight oil, skimming through all kinds of notes and taking the exam itself... ... There's one thing which I can conclude for sure... Last minute revision is of NO use!!! =X =X So much regrets of not working hard enough since the beginning of the year.. If only I could go back in time?

Although this week's been really demoralising for myself because of all this thoughts of regrets and though I think I might receive lousy results for prelims.. But.. I don't think that's gonna affect my motivation to study... ... For friends and classmates who are going through the same phase as I am right now.. Don't give up and continue to... ...

JIAYOU!!! =) =)


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