Saturday, August 30, 2008

Wow!!! Yet another week!!! Lolx.. Kind of scary knowing that it's only about another 51 days left to the BIG day!!

The preliminary results are out and I fair out really badly.. =X =X Now I'm even more stressed thinking of how to improve on my weak subjects within such a short period of time~~ STRESSED~~~~~~~~ =X =X

Hmm, this means less cutting down on outings, playing arcade games with my brother.. AND.. less day dreaming~~~~ =P For my friends and buddies please don't think that i'm ignoring you guys when it come to hanging out~~~~ It's just that I need all the time that there is right now to improve~~~ Thanks for your understanding~~ =)

Anyways leaving that all behind for awhile~~~ Lolx.. Yesterday teacher's was pretty boring~~~ except for the nice food provided by my classmates and for the fun and enjoyable time playing with my basketball playmates.. Lolx, but I would say.. I didn't played that well yesterday because of my rustiness.. Hmm, the very first thing that I'll do after the "O"s would be to get myself back in shape again~~ Lolx. =P =)

Hahas, back again~~ I know that some of us (including myself) did not really achieved that well during the prelims and are really really demoralised (I can tell by the number of sms received by my classmates and close friends) But... Hey, don't be discouraged and continue to work hard during this 50 plus days because it's never too late~~~ Lolx.



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