Sunday, February 01, 2009

Back again~~ Lolx!!

Okies, this time Chinese New Year wasn't that great (not referring to the ang bao or food.. but just the festival itself
)~~ Feel that every year is so repetitive~~ Nonetheless it's also good that I can spent time catching up with my cousins as well as a two days break from work. LOL!! =P

Hmm, the posting results for poly has been out and yup I've made to veterinary tech. It'll be a stressful long struggle for me in future as I would be studying something I've not touched from sec 3 to 5 which is biology~~~~ Being aware that I'm quite slow when it comes to studying something new, I'm getting notes from my church friend who's also studying that course but a year ahead of me... To start studying now so that I'll be prepared when poly starts. Lolx. =P =P

Life for me this long break would be a little of working, a little of studying and more of play~~~ Lolx. Oh yes, I realised that I'm growing sick of DOTA and I think I'll be able to reach the state of being anti-DOTA by the time I start poly~~ This is because I feel that I'm not cut out for that game as I often offend my friends for being slow to react and also because I don't need any distractions when it comes to studying. Lolx!!

Anyways, life goes on~~~~~ =) =)


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