Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cool~~ Okies these are the pictures I took at admiral-ty count-tree club on a friday two weeks ago~~ (typo error done on purpose so that when others google this country club, it won't be directed to my blog~~)

Yup! School's finally started and I'm started to look forward to the next holiday~~~ Anyways it's kinda weird cos when it's the holidays I'll look forward to school and when school's started I'll wish for a break.. Gosh~~ First week of school and lots of information are crashing in.. Can't ''WAIT" for the rest of the week~~ =X

Anyways I've decided to be a more hard working student in the class starting this Sem~~ However I haven't revised anything this whole week except for playing warcraft~~ =X.. .. Shall be more motivated~~~ =P

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Say Hi to the newest member of the family~~ Brownie!!

Well my mum was finally convinced to let keep a dog~~ =)

However, keeping a dog really bears great responsibility~~

Imagine.. ..
-Waking up every hour the first night to clean its diarrhea due to environmental change.
-sleeping on the floor with Her because she wouldn't even let me lie on my bed.
-spending lesser time hanging out with friends.

Anyways now she's more stable now.. Good health and knowing where to poo and I no longer have to confine her in the pen overnight and she's free to roam around my room. Relived~~~~ =P

So much about Brownie yea~~ Yup, I would say this 7 weeks of semester break was quite a let down because I didn't managed to do exploring and hiking and many other stuff~~~ =(

Nonetheless, I managed to watch many shows like, "Return of the Condor Heroes" and, " Black and White".. And of cause lots of warcraft~~~ Rarely online msn and wow my E-mails are stacking~~~~

School's starting next week and I think I would really be very busy working twice as hard as I've worked during the last semester because I didn't do very well. Just really average. =X.

Yup, that's all for now~~ Sleepy ~~~ Goodnight~~~ Lolx!!

Cool long time since I've posted anything~~~ Well, shall start off from the June break where I went to Batam for retreat ~~

The living conditions there which show how pampered we are~~~ =X

Awesome scenery!!

Yummy place to eat.. Lots of seafood~~ Shall not show my mountain of prawn and crab shells~~ Lolx!!

Hahas, I actually took like a 100 plus of photos but only post the best ones out because uploading the pictures can take ages.. Gosh~~~ This is just part 1.. Part 2 coming up soon~~