Friday, February 26, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Ohmy, I'm on the train now.
Super duper hungry. (haven't eaten and now it's 11:47pm)
Well it's been 6 days studying at the airport.
Miss my mum's cooking.
Spent lots of money cos it's starbucks i'm studying at. (but it's alright since starbuck's my favourite.. Especially mocha frappe)
Okies so far my exams are alright. except for one paper.
So yup tmr i'll be going to airport to study for my last paper. (animal anatomy and physiology)
NOw i'm heading gombak mrt station.
Signing off
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Okies this was taken during one of my retreat in 2007.

Anyways, today is CNY and Valentine's DAY combined together!! HOW COOL right? (Heard that it only happen once every 57 years) I don't think i'll be alive to see the next clash again. Hhahahs.
Okies, CNY this year for me is like real boring cause it's like the same thing all every year.
-Receive Ang Baos
-Eat lunch and dinner
-Then do our own stuffs while parents talk with the rest of my relatives
So now I'm like REALLY ROTTING.
Hahahs, today is Valentine's Day and the roses up there isn't mine. It's actually given to my mum from my dad. (I just happened to snap a photo of it) Anyways, Sis just got a BF. She just left my uncle's place and confirm gonna spend a great time with each another. (Envy~~~ But not Jealous) =)
Okies, it's dinner time and i'm taking up the space on the dinning table. Byebye!! =P
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Yup guess where I was from morning till now... ...
I noticed that whenever I'm at home the whole day, I'll develop a 'home headache' (a type of headache, of course I made it up, which only happens to an outdoor type of person) Not sure if anyone has it too, but it's really hard for me to just sit at home and watch online lectures the whole day..
Exams are running up to my doorstep and FAST!! Gosh today is Thursday.. Tomorrow is Friday.. And soon the same cycle would go by again and during the weekends!! Okies, actually having the exams soon isn't the issue here cos the faster it ends.. HOLIDAYS would come by soon after that~~ =)
My study week happens to be during the Chinese New Year week. The first day of Chinese New Year happen to clash with Valentine's Day. How convenient. LOL! I really commiserate with those newly attached/already attached/those who wanna date someone and the list goes on.. Cause after all family comes first. Hahahas, doesn't mean that just because I'm saying this means it actually affects me.
I mean look on the bright side. This year's very special cause I wouldn't be spending Valentine's day alone, like every year, but with loved ones and of course my books. =)
Hehe, recently I've just figured out how to use tumblr thanks to 'lovelybluebirds'. Okies I know I know, Mountain tortoise right? Anyways tumblr really rocks!! I mean all the photos there can really take your breath away. Yup that's all for now~~~ =P
Sunday, February 07, 2010

Sometimes I wonder how words are invented.. If there's one word in my head now, that would really be, 'procrastination'.( to put off till another day or time; defer; delay. ) Now, that's the one word I can describe myself right now. Sometimes i wished that procrastination wouldn't exist so I wouldn't feel so discouraged.
Well Yesterday I went out with Qianying and royston to Marina Square to study at Starbucks after OTC refresh 2. (And yeah u could really lose a few bucks buying their coffee.. Anyway it's worthwhile cause starbucks my FAVOURITE! =P ) I didn't really studied because I just have too many thoughts in my head. So yup the sentence "going out to study", was just the basis of me wanting to be outside to relax my head.
Just returned home from church today. Yup and today's the second time I'm playing the guitar for the main service and this time I wasn't as nervous as the first time. Okies, my fingers are starting to hurt from all the practices.. This is the actual schedule for today itself..
- 9-10am I practice at home to familiarize the songs.
- 10-1130am I go upstairs to Daniel's (neighbour/church friend/worship leader) house to practice and touch up.
- 245pm I practice with the band itself.
- 4pm the actual thing starts.
And yeah something random came to my mind.. Well Daniel, the very person who gave me a guitar 5 years ago which inspired me to learn the guitar, is the very same person who's leading the band i'm playing for. Gosh, What goes around really comes around~~~ (not sure if this is the right way to put it)

Something random again.. This is the fish my mum bought from the market which cost her $99. Couldn't take picture of the whole fish cos by the time i woke up my mum had already sliced the fish. Believe me, this is only about 1/3 of the size of the whole fish! Gonna have a fishy week. Hahahas. =P
Anyways to summerise,
-life's getting tougher and tougher with all the revisions coming in. (please encourage me or I may not survive)
-Yup, i've neglected friends in one way or another.. Forgive me, after exams i'll really spend time with you guys provide i don't have to retake any modules~~ =X.

As Strange and mysterious this lake might seem. I feel no different from this lake.
Anyways have finally decide to let the picture do the talking since i really find it hard to post everything i have to say.
Life goes on~~ =)
-If i walk in front i may not lead.
-If i walk beside i'll just be an obstacle.
-let me walk behind so that i'll be there if you need me. =)
Labels: CHEER UP =)
Friday, February 05, 2010

Just to summerise, this week has been a CRAPPY HECTIC week!!
I can't really imagine how i managed to sleep at 12am everyday and wake up 550am to go back to school. It's a matter of time before i turn nocturnal~~
Okies, i'll update more next time~~ GONNA catch up on sleep!! =)

Just to summerise, this week has been a CRAPPY HECTIC week!!
I can't really imagine how i managed to sleep at 12am everyday and wake up 550am to go back to school. It's a matter of time before i turn nocturnal~~
Okies, i'll update more next time~~ GONNA catch up on sleep!! =)
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