Yup guess where I was from morning till now... ...
I noticed that whenever I'm at home the whole day, I'll develop a 'home headache' (a type of headache, of course I made it up, which only happens to an outdoor type of person) Not sure if anyone has it too, but it's really hard for me to just sit at home and watch online lectures the whole day..
Exams are running up to my doorstep and FAST!! Gosh today is Thursday.. Tomorrow is Friday.. And soon the same cycle would go by again and during the weekends!! Okies, actually having the exams soon isn't the issue here cos the faster it ends.. HOLIDAYS would come by soon after that~~ =)
My study week happens to be during the Chinese New Year week. The first day of Chinese New Year happen to clash with Valentine's Day. How convenient. LOL! I really commiserate with those newly attached/already attached/those who wanna date someone and the list goes on.. Cause after all family comes first. Hahahas, doesn't mean that just because I'm saying this means it actually affects me.
I mean look on the bright side. This year's very special cause I wouldn't be spending Valentine's day alone, like every year, but with loved ones and of course my books. =)
Hehe, recently I've just figured out how to use tumblr thanks to 'lovelybluebirds'. Okies I know I know, Mountain tortoise right? Anyways tumblr really rocks!! I mean all the photos there can really take your breath away. Yup that's all for now~~~ =P
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