Sunday, April 18, 2010

Bro's early 16th birthday celebration at my uncle's place. (As you can see there are two cakes.. goes to show how much we all eat.. Monsters) =P

K lah we actually hardly take photo together cos we're all so busy. Must cherish this photo. =)

Okies I went to town today again! And this time round I realised that I do have alot of things i wanna get. (Like only three items)

-A jacket
-A slipper
-An i-touch

Although it's just three items but it's gonna be really Ex! Shall keep everybody in suspense about where i'll get my items. LOL!! (Lame I know)

Shortly after 'shopping' I went to uncle's place to celebrate bro's 16th birthday. Got so many gifts. (envious) Anyways my bro is like finally 16th. Looking forward to his 18th and then finally 21st. Why you might ask. Cos the older he gets means the more matured he'll be. Then we would understand each other much better. And there would be less immature quarreling. Which means I'm sure I'll benefit the most when my bro grows up. =)

Okies sadly school's like gonna open TMR!! Yes and yes. It's the end of the 'LONG' vacation. Did alot of thinking during this break and I'm all set to move on with my study life. NO MORE FOOLING AROUND MR. CHOW YI LAI, ELY. Please arh tolong tolong. Adding on, I wanna be more thrifty. Hopefully my budget plan would work. =)

Actually i've more to say but I really needa re-adjust my nocturnal clock to the usual time. So yup those around me who are starting and have started. JIAYOU!!!!!! =) =)


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