Saturday, December 19, 2009

At least a picture a post!! Ion's Christmas tree~~ Gosh I love pixon. =)

Yeah! I'm finally back (Hope nobody misses me.. hahahas) from OTC and I would say that I had a fulfilling experience there~~ =) I finally understand what, 'behind the scenes' of camps really mean. Lolx!

Yup throughout the camp I really meet different kinds of people~~ Friendly, strange, irritating!! Hahas, U name it!!

Moving on, I really feel that this camp really got me thinking~~ It's been a long time since someone of authority has reprimanded me ( the last I recalled was in secondary school where the disciplinary master would always look for me regarding the class behavior/attitude.. etc..) So yup, I was reminded that with my age now I got to start thinking of the consequences of whatever actions i take. =)

Still lots and lots to share but I really find it hard to rmb after a few days have passed.. Don't worry man after FOC (freshman orientation camp) and FOW (freshman orientation workshop) I'll be sure to update ASAP!! =P

Okies so much for the camp yea? Speaking of which; I've seen so many different kind of faces especially when people work under pressure.. 'Blemished' faces.. And I would complacently laugh and say ''Hey that could never be me!!" But today I realised that that could actually be my face. I simply thought that I've got my emotions under controlled. But that's only my wishful thinking~~~

So yup, today after project I'm not sure what really got into me..

-Skipped lunch therefore grouchy?
-Sudden change of practice?
-Lack of sleep?

Believe me I seriously ain't sure.. Gosh~~ I really feel guilty now because I'm not sure if I've stepped on anyone toes in the process.. REALLY REALLY SORRY~~ =X. Anyways I still got that sianzation feeling now and I really hope that tmr it'll all be gone yup. =)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Oh yes!! Term test's finally done~~ BIG relieve man! =) Though it was just only a mid semester test, but I actually took it like an exam; studying like way way beyond the time I would sleep. =X

So yup, i think i would fair a low average for this test except for HPI which I clearly know I would flunk it. Because no matter how hard a person put in effort to study last minute, they wouldn't get it so easily unless they're a genius (A definite not ME!!).

That makes it clear that I really and I REALLY REALLY have to mean this time it cos I'm in danger of retaking HPI next semester~~ =X.

Okies, on a
more, "POSITIVE" note it's the "HOLIDAYS"~~~~ Well during this two weeks SHORT of break I'll be .. ..

1.Attending an orientation training camp. (14-17th dec) =X
2.Basic photography lesson. (some date after 17th dec I guess) =)
3.Re-toilet train Brownie. (Whole of this break) =(
4.CSAS group research presentation. (From 21st dec onwards) =(
5.AAP group work. (From 21st dec onwards) =(
6.Birthday Celebrations. =) =)
7.Christmas Dinner. (25th dec) =) =)
8.Fireside Christmas celebration (26th dec) =)

Rating: =( -- 1/10
=X -- 5/10
=) -- 8/10
=) =) -- 100/10


Well, relating to the post on why MOTHERS are NUMBER 1 is because my mum bought me a new laptop. =)

Wow, I'm really amazed about how I could use my last laptop for almost a year~~ Was testing Warcraft the other day and I now I understand why my friends keep asking me how I could stand such a lousy graphic card~~ =X


A hectic day today because I was busy swapping rooms with my brother (12-7pm) .. Believe me, we still not completely done shifting our stuffs.

Well the reason to this is because I'm finally going to pass on most of the responsibilities of taking care of Brownie to him. Really thank my bro for helping me cos I really feel very stressed looking after her after she began her adolescence.

Anyways I'll really try to find time to really care for her~~ =)

Gosh since my room is nearest to the front door means no more loud singing and music~~ =( =(

Okies I've got a camp from 14-17 Dec~~ So yup PLEASE DON'T MISS ME!! =) =)


Friday, December 11, 2009


Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Sometimes it's the laughter which covers everything.
Some things deep which keeps it's identity.
So how do we stop it from rolling down when it is already flowing?

Never posted anything like this before.
Experience something i haven done so in quite some time.
Felt better soon after.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Say Hi to the photo of the month!! Somewhere only I know in school~~

Attended the Annual Conference at RTC.. Besides the scrumptious morning & afternoon tea and the buffet lunch~~ I really learnt alot of stuffs related to what I'm studying in my course now~~

So yup, i also enjoyed skipping school because of this conference so it's a win win situation! =P

Okies a copyright of steph's boredom during the conference~~ (This picture is actually the layout of the Dunearn Ballroom~~ The exact place which my Prom Night was held~~)

So yup, tmr would be the start of my term test~~~ AHHH still got lots to cover~~~ Shall go study now~~ =X.