Sunday, November 23, 2008

I feel really WRONGED~~~~

Played basketball with Marcus, Amos and Chongyew this morning~~ Man!!! I really have nothing to say about those army guys who were playing with us... Because there was this tall, big and strong guy who complaint that I and the rest of us were playing too rough~~ Adding on, that guy still gave us a lecture but nothing went into my head because I was still shock/upset at that moment~~~ =(

Even now I still can't believe that I, someone much smaller in size(at least compared to that guy), could actually make him so pissed... but anyways I'm so thankful that I am slow when it comes to reacting towards a situation(Cool~~ Being blur sure has it's advantages.. LOL!!!).. If not I would told that guy straight away to play netball if he does not want any body contact~~ And... ... Things could get really nasty~~~ =X =X

Okies~~~ Shall leave my confusion/anger/disappointment here and get over with it because I dislike spoiling my mood~~ Lolx.. =) =) Ohyes Chongyew please stop crapping~~ Lolx!! Okies I'm off to church~~~ =) =) =)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Man it's barely only three days and i'm already starting to miss my friends~~ ZZzzzz... I wanna go out!!! =X =X =X

Okies job hunting seems harder than I thought it would be.. Maybe I might even decide not to get one.. Lolx!! (Lazy Bum~~) Anyways, prom night wasn't that entertaining as I thought it would be.. Boring~~~ It was the pooling and karaoke event after prom night that brightened up my night.. Lolx!!! =P

Feel that I'm rotting with every minute at home.. Friends please call me out & out & out!!! Woohoo!!! =) =) =)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

WOOHOO!!! Everybody give me a Hi-Five!!! !!! LOL!!! =) =) =) Yes!!! This is the moment that I've been waiting for!!! =) =)

Managed to survive yesterday's Mt exam.. Lolx, I felt so ''honoured'' with me the only student in a classroom taking the exam with two invigilator taking turns to see if I would cheat with my "Other friends" taking the exam with me(Ok I'm talking crap~~).. And together with the 45mins break(which I don't really appreciate it) in the canteen all alone~~ "Thankyou National geography book; for your company~~" LOL!! =) =)

Hmm, now that the exams are over~~ It means less "bonuses", frequent rides to places by car, ginseng with bird nest, strawberries to keep my stomach from "malfunctioning"..(I would definitely miss my study days.. LOL!!) And It means that I'll would soon be working and spending lots and lots of time with my friends!!! WOOOHOOO!!! =) =)

Planned to go night riding at Old Changi Airport road last night, but it didn't turned out to be successful due to the lack of preparation and because the bicycle shops were all closed by the time we reached East Coast park. Sorry guys for being late~~ =X =X.. But the night spent at Terminal III was indeed enjoyable!!! =) =)

Thought of going for a basketball game this afternoon, but I guess I was too lazy and tired out.. Hmm, I must try not too be lazy if I want to shed off that 6kg now that I'm 79.4kg!!! !!! Further more we'll be going to eat Suki tomorrow I guess~~ OHH save me!!! =X =X =X

Looking forward to tomorrow~~ =) =) =) =)

Monday, November 10, 2008

YEAH!!! It's my "last" paper tomorrow~~ =P

Happy because all my stress would be gone after that science paper~~ =) =) Sad because I still have my MT paper~~ =( =( Anyways, I'll still do my best in that MT paper for tomorrow and the day after~~ =P

Okies I feel happy today because I managed to finish all MCQs for both my physics and chemistry TYS books. (Like if anyone else couldn't~~) LOL!! But I still feel like I've achieved something. Lolx. =P

Hey everybody!! Jiayou for the MCQs tomorrow!!! Lolx. =) =) =)

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Woo~~ I finally feel a bit relieved~~~ =)

Went out for a casual dinner with my family and a ''long time no see'' friend of my parents at pasta mania. The food there was nice, but I think mum's cooking's better~~ Lolx. =P

After that, went to join the rest of my friends at Orchard. Wooo~~ Had a good time crapping and picturing with them. LOL!!! Took NR3 and reached home about 2.30am. =X

Studied Social studies for the whole day today.. Hmm, one subject that I would always ''DREAM'' to study because of my ''INTEREST" in that subject.. But i still survived today all thanks to the motivation received from my friends.. I'm not sure what I'll do without them.. Lolx.. thanks again~~~ =) =) =)

Man~~ I seriously look forward, and I'm sure too that everybody's looking forward to the end of the "O"s.. =) =) Hmm, but until then I must still keep focused because it not the end yet. Lolx.

Continue to JIAYOU all my friends!!! =) =) =)