Friday, May 23, 2008

Wooo~~ Yet another week has passed and it gets faster and faster each week~~ =X =X

Had Parents-meet-the-teachers session yesterday.. Saw my report book, so did my mum... 23points?? Way off for what i want to achieve for the "O"s.. Really stressed ~~ =( =( However my mum wasn't disappointed but instead encouraged me to do better ( Which somehow make even more stressed~~ =X =X )

Must really make full use of the holidays this June to catch up.. But i don't really have the whole June because of ISP and Church Camps... Must put in my very best this time~~ =) =)

" The soul is willing but the body's weak~~ " =X =X

However I shall make my body stronger by getting rid of my lazyiness!!!.. lolx..


Monday, May 19, 2008

Okies, I was trick by Kh that Jh and the rest won the Dota competition.. Sooo... After going out with my family, who later went to my uncle's place, I took the train back to Jh house to "celebrate" with them~~ =X

Lolx, they only told me that it was just a joke only an hour after i've reach!! By then it was too late to go back to AMK to have dinner with my family and relatives. Lolx. =(

After church went to meet Jh, kw, Jy, marcus and Kh at Orchard to eat and then to Kbox at cineleisure.. Lolx, my first time going~~ Hahas, like country pumkin~~ =x

LOL!! Anyways, after our slot at Kbox, we met keyi and the rest and hang out outside Taka for awhile then went back home.. Lolx. =) =)

Woo~~ Woke up at 2.30pm today.. LOL!!! Forgot to set alarm clock today~~ Hahas, didn't go out today( very good boy ).. Lolx, instead I stayed at home to finish my homework.. Was so happy that I've done my EW because at first i didn't feel like doing it~~ Lolx =) =P

Hahas, tomorrow's gonna be a school day and... ISP!!! =X =X =X

Lolx, I don't feel like going to school tmr~~ ( Hahas, like i can~~) LOL!!!

Anyways, Jiayou!!! =) =)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Wow!!! So many events happened this week.. lolx..

Went to Pulau Bukom for a "learning journey?" LOL!!! (didn't really learn anything from it.)

Don't really like travelling on sea, but good thing it was just for a while~~ lolx.. (seasick~~ =X)

Went to Republic Polytechnic.. (The poly was like Soooooo BIG) lolx!!!

Didn't go there for the open house, but I went there together with Zhi Yang, Rainer, Kh and marcus to support Kw, jh, weehao, Chinyong and jingshun in their (DOTA) (WCG) competition.. lolx. =P

They won and their moving on to their 2nd round tmr... lolx.. Wouldn't be able to go and support them but hopely they'll be able to win.. hahas... Cause they've waited, practise and dreamt about winning for 4 years~~ lolx.

ALL THE BEST!!! =) =)

Ohhh!!!! I've finally had P.E. Woohooo~~ LOL!!! Have been like waiting for three weeks? Hahas... Managed to have lots of fun!!! lolx (Think that's the only thing i like; having fun) lolx..

Gosh intensive study programme(ISP)'s coming soon~~ It can quite scary just by looking at the time table.. LOL!!... Although feeling lifeless about it... BUT... I must persevere and be motivated in order to achieve my goal... Hopefully everyone feels encouraged too~~ Hahas. =P =)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Hahas, Woo!!! Finally have time to blog... lolx.. wailing just reminded me on my tagboard that the common test are finally over... YEAH!!!!!!!! ... ... The reason why the size of the letters are decreasing is because i didn't did so well for this second common test. =( =(

Okies, look on the bright side... There's still the mock exams and prelims... Just have to put in extra effort (more than what i've said during the previous February post)... LOL!!! Must stay positive!!! Jiayou!!! !!! =) =)

Went out today to chill out.. lolx.. Then went to my uncle's place as usual~~~ Hahas, It's Mother's Day in 10 minutes... Just wanna wish all mothers (especially my mummy) around the globe, an early HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY!!! !!! =) =) Everybody cherish your mother because we've got only one precious mum.. lolx. =P