Saturday, June 28, 2008


Bye bye holidays~~ =( =(

Welcome to a life of "mugging"~~ Lolx!!!


Hahas, it's my first science tuition today~~ Lolx, went to Chinese Garden Mrt to wait for the teacher to drive us to his place... lolx.. At first he looked and sounded rather strict and impatient, but after chatting and telling us some lame jokes, my opinion towards him changed almost immediately.. LOL!!!

His teachings are like awesome~~ Really gained a lot from today and I look forward to next week's tuition!! ( Hehe, for the very first time I'm so enthusiastic about studies~~ LOL!!!)

After tuition I went to church for practice and then to my uncle's place~~ Lolx. =P

But today's special.. I celebrated both my uncle's belated birthday!!! Lolx... =) =)

UNCLE LAWRENCE and UNCLE HARRY!!! !!! =) =) =)

Friday, June 20, 2008


Firstly.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KIAN HWEE!!! LOL!!! =) =) =)

Hahas, went to Jurong Entertainment Centre Kbox to celebrate Kian Hwee's birthday.. Though I didn't sang as much as the ''Karaoke King'' (Marcus)... But, i still enjoyed myself!!! Lolx!!! =) =)


Woohoo!!! Delighted to say that my room's TIDY!!! Lolx, feel so satisfied~~ =) =) =)

Okies... It's not that I did it willingly or was desperate to clear my room.. But, it's because my sister boyfriend came for dinner.. Lolx, it's my very first time meeting him and I'm glad to know that he's a rather pleasant person~~ (But he made me feel like a shorty)

Hahas, planned to finish part of my homework today.. Unfortunately, I was too busy packing my room~~ =X =X

Guess I'll go library to finished all my homework tomorrow~~ (Hopefully my actions would speak louder, rather than in
words~~) Hahahahahas!!! =X =X =X

Monday, June 16, 2008


Woo~~ I'm back!!!... Lolx... okies, finally came back from the retreat!!! Lolx... Had fun and great experience there!!! =) =)

Everything was fine there except for the food which wasn't as scrumptious as I imaged it to be.. But anyway, people in other countries are rioting and killing each other for food.. So I have to be thankful to have food laid on the table.. lolx =) =P =)

Oh yes!! I realised that the more I travel on ferries, the more immune I become to seasickness... lolx, quite elated about that.. lolx.. =) =) =)


Hehe, this few days I've been sleeping super late.. Hahas, still recuperating from the lack of sleep during the retreat( Especially from the last night )... LOL!!!

Hmm, I did my school homework today!!! ( Good boy right? Hahas, self praise~~) but I still left a bit more homework left to do~~ Lolx, very satisfying~~ =) =)

An encouragement for those who have not completed their homework( which includes myself) LOL!!!.. Just do bit by bit everyday and before you know it... ... Homework's done~~ LOL!!! =) =) =)

Realised that I have not been meeting up with my friends since the last day of ISP.. lolx =x =X Hehe, besides going out on thursday( which is like quite long) U guys could plan on going out tomorrow too~~ ( I TURNING INTO A STATUE!!! ) LOL!!!

Think i gonna sleep early today.. Still feeling sleepy even though I woke up at 1pm today.. LOL!!!

Zzz Zzz Zzz Zzz

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Woo!!! "Freedom" at last!!! No more ISP!!! Lolx.. =) =)

Got news~~ Mr Cappy has woken up from his six day sleep... lolx!!! ( Sadly he wasn't as handsome as i thought he would be ) =X =X

Hahas, I've have been spending five days since last saturday to complete watching, "The Legend" (Korean show)... lolx!!! A nice show man!!!.. However, the show wasn't that well concluded.. lolx.. =x =x

Ohh yes, my lovely mum drove me to Peninsular yesterday to get a new guitar!!! =) =) Hahas, it's my early birthday present... lolx... So thoughtful of her because she says during my birthday I'll be busy because of prelims and therefore have no time to get it.. LOL!! ThankYouMum!!! =) =) =)

Hahas, feel quite bored staying at home most of the day.. lolx.. Can't wait for my retreat!! But definitely not the ferry ride~~ =X =X =X LOL!!!