Saturday, August 30, 2008

Wow!!! Yet another week!!! Lolx.. Kind of scary knowing that it's only about another 51 days left to the BIG day!!

The preliminary results are out and I fair out really badly.. =X =X Now I'm even more stressed thinking of how to improve on my weak subjects within such a short period of time~~ STRESSED~~~~~~~~ =X =X

Hmm, this means less cutting down on outings, playing arcade games with my brother.. AND.. less day dreaming~~~~ =P For my friends and buddies please don't think that i'm ignoring you guys when it come to hanging out~~~~ It's just that I need all the time that there is right now to improve~~~ Thanks for your understanding~~ =)

Anyways leaving that all behind for awhile~~~ Lolx.. Yesterday teacher's was pretty boring~~~ except for the nice food provided by my classmates and for the fun and enjoyable time playing with my basketball playmates.. Lolx, but I would say.. I didn't played that well yesterday because of my rustiness.. Hmm, the very first thing that I'll do after the "O"s would be to get myself back in shape again~~ Lolx. =P =)

Hahas, back again~~ I know that some of us (including myself) did not really achieved that well during the prelims and are really really demoralised (I can tell by the number of sms received by my classmates and close friends) But... Hey, don't be discouraged and continue to work hard during this 50 plus days because it's never too late~~~ Lolx.


Monday, August 25, 2008

Taken indoor

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hahas, wooo the prelims are over!!! LOL!! Been relaxing for three days already~~ Kinda guilty though, but i still managed to enjoy myself.. Lolx!! =) =)

Hmm, went to my church funfair on sat together with Jingyuan, Soonbeng, Weehao, Jianhorng, Kianhwee and Kokwan in support of my brother's mission trip fund-raiser.. Wow, really thank all of them for coming!! Lolx. =) =)

Had a lot of playing and eating~~ Lolx, although we did not win too many prizes but I would say we had a good time eating~~ Hahahas. =P =)

Since it ended at 3pm and the fireworks only starts later in the night.. We decided to head to cine-leisure to catch a movie.. and.. guess the show we watched?

4 Bia

I would say that it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be.. Although I cuddled myself during those really trilling parts of the movie. LOL!!! Other wise we would all be laughing because some parts of the movie was rather hilarious. LOL!!!

After the show, went to Marina Square to meet Marcus, Jessica, Keyi and Jingyan to go to the esplanade to catch the fireworks!!! !!! =) =) Woo~~ It's seriously my very first time watching the fireworks really and i mean really really
up-close.. Lolx, it last for 15mins and it's really beautiful!! It's so nice that I promise that I'll bring my future girlfriend to experience fireworks with me in future!!! =) =) =)

Hahas, i'm going to receive some of my prelim results in a few hours time.. Wish me all the "BEST" LOL!!! =X =P =)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Well well.. Had been a pretty hectic and tiring week studying for the prelims. Lolx, slept from 11pm till 1.30pm today.. Thought that by sleeping later today would help me feel less sleepy and alert, but it's totally the opposite and worst still.. I've got a headache from morning till now... =X =X =X

Anyways, after going through the second week preliminary examinations.. Burning midnight oil, skimming through all kinds of notes and taking the exam itself... ... There's one thing which I can conclude for sure... Last minute revision is of NO use!!! =X =X So much regrets of not working hard enough since the beginning of the year.. If only I could go back in time?

Although this week's been really demoralising for myself because of all this thoughts of regrets and though I think I might receive lousy results for prelims.. But.. I don't think that's gonna affect my motivation to study... ... For friends and classmates who are going through the same phase as I am right now.. Don't give up and continue to... ...

JIAYOU!!! =) =)

Monday, August 04, 2008

Hahas, I know I should be doing my revision for english and maybe social studies but I can't help it but to post... ... =X


Went to have steamboat near Bugis with... Jingyuan, Rainer, Chongyew, JianHorng, Kokwan, Zhiyang, Eline, Sandy, Jessica, Keyi, Rowena, Wailing, Jingyan, Marcus, Chinyong, Soonbeng, Weehao, Kianhwee, Lipui, Soomin and Yiping... =) =) =)

Had Lots of seafood again~~ And made lots of noise too~~ Then we went to the waterfront I think~~ ( not sure where I went.. but i remembered sitting next to part of the Singapore River.. LOL!!) Everybody went to catch the last train except for JianHorng, Kokwan, Jingyan, Lipui, Keyi, Jessica and me.. Lolx.. =X =X

Accompanied KokWan to the cinemas at Marina Square and then took night rider to Yew Tee to accompany Jessica and Keyi back home and then took a cab home with JianHorng~~

I would to thank everybody!!! My classmates, my clique and best friends for their wishes, gifts and even their company during my birthday celebration!!! (Even though the prelims were just three days away.. Really thank everyone for sacrificing their time to have steamboat) Feel really blissful!!! =) =) =)


Arhhhhh!!! VERY STRESSED up right now... Tomorrow's English paper~~ Man~~ Time passes by really really quickly and the speed increases especially when exams are nearing.. Gosh~~ Okies, I must go and maximise my time now by mugging~~ Lolx!!!

Ohya, for those having prelims tomorrow.. JIAYOU!!! =) =)