Saturday, February 28, 2009

I'm back! Lolx!! =)

Finally we went to pulau ubin.. Lolx, our initial plan was to cycle but we ended up hiking due to the rain.. (For more details, refer to wailing's blog.. Lolx) Anyways, Despite the rain, getting lost, getting wet and stepping on really squashy, wobbly and slimy mud.. The time hiking and crapping together out-weighs everything~~ Lolx, an experience unforgettable and especially reliving the OBS memories which I had 3 years ago~~ =) =)

Okies, less blogging goes to show that my life has not been really happening (that's really sad~~) Feel that for the past 2 weeks I've been really struggling about some issues about myself and no matter how optimistic I am, I would still feel really dry~~~ (not that I'm facing any family or friend problems but it's just about me~~) Further more, I feel that I'm changing for the worst because I used to be able to tolerate all types of negativity, but now I would rebuke back which doesn't really sound like Ely.

Anyways, enough of that~~~~ Hmm, at least there's something to be happy about,, which is... ... The weather of course! Lolx!! yeah!! It's now raining almost everyday and I hope it'll continue so that I don't have to on the fan at night cos I dislike artificial wind~~ LOL!!

Okies really tired now~~ Shall say hi to my bed~~~~

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Okies, feeling quite down now~~~ By right I'm supposed to be with my friends now playing pool.. Thanks to my "great" memory, I forgot to bring my keys out; which caused so much complications and that I was also admonished by my parents because of some reasons.. Zzzz.. (Sometimes I really don't get it~~~~) =( =(

Hmm, it's more than a week since I've stopped working and I thought that I would have more time to study; but it seems like I've just been playing and slacking~~~ Gosh, this week has been a really demoralising week for me and I just feel like lying on the bed, covering a pillow over the back of
my head and shutting the world off my head~~~ Man, that would feel good for a second~~ Lolx. =X =X

Leaving this all behind~~~~ It's actually an hour and a half after Valentines day.. And.. Yup, yet another year without a date~~ Lolx!! Okies, I'm not desperate and I think I'll be date-less for a few years more until I think I'm matured enough to date.. Lolx, anyway love is patience.. so true love is worth the wait~~ =) =) =)

Okies, whole system is already shutting down~~~ Hopefully this coming week would be even better!!! =) =) =)

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Man~~ I've reach to the point where I'm like so down... Almost everyone's working, which means less outing together, which also means less excitement everyday. I'm beginning to feel bored playing dota, which means I'll have nothing to entertain myself when I'm bored at home. SO BORED~~~

Hmm, I'm no longer working.. It's good because I'll have no excuse to neglect studying but it's bad because I won't be able to save up to change my handphone~~ =X =X

Okies, I've started studying the notes which my friend has given me and ''Cool'', I'm still stuck learning the Homeostasis theory of our body.. Gosh~~ Patience~~ Patience~~ =X =X

Anyways~~ Without struggles there won't be success~~ So go go go!!! =) =)

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Back again~~ Lolx!!

Okies, this time Chinese New Year wasn't that great (not referring to the ang bao or food.. but just the festival itself
)~~ Feel that every year is so repetitive~~ Nonetheless it's also good that I can spent time catching up with my cousins as well as a two days break from work. LOL!! =P

Hmm, the posting results for poly has been out and yup I've made to veterinary tech. It'll be a stressful long struggle for me in future as I would be studying something I've not touched from sec 3 to 5 which is biology~~~~ Being aware that I'm quite slow when it comes to studying something new, I'm getting notes from my church friend who's also studying that course but a year ahead of me... To start studying now so that I'll be prepared when poly starts. Lolx. =P =P

Life for me this long break would be a little of working, a little of studying and more of play~~~ Lolx. Oh yes, I realised that I'm growing sick of DOTA and I think I'll be able to reach the state of being anti-DOTA by the time I start poly~~ This is because I feel that I'm not cut out for that game as I often offend my friends for being slow to react and also because I don't need any distractions when it comes to studying. Lolx!!

Anyways, life goes on~~~~~ =) =)