Friday, January 29, 2010

Give me a break~~~~

Wow Ely, a hundred and ten dollars this week and you've reduced it to thirty dollars.. Guess my saving plan kinda failed this week.

Okies, to cut the story short~~ I'm actually really trying my very best to save. Though somehow spending eighty dollars per week for poly students might seem like a joke for some; However considered my actual plan to spend like twenty dollars per week~~~ It is really BAD! =(

Nonetheless, I shall still persevere, knowing that changing bad habits (being spendthrift) overnight is impossible~~ So yup JIAYOU man!! =)


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

OHYA, I forgot to say that Brownie has finally learn to poo and pee properly~~ Way the go Brownie~~~ =)

This is the cute, "come and play me" facial expression.

"Ohh please play with me, I promise I won't play rough ever again~~"

"What don't anyhow catch catch hor, I really playing my rope.. not anyhow bite other stuffs."

" I'm bored~~ "

" Ahhh Come and give me treat~~ "

Hey okies, i realised that I'm been blogging like everyday~~~ There many factors which cause me to do so~~

1. Stressed.
2. I'm procrastinating in my revision.
3. I'm lonely, no one's talking to me.
4. I wanna 'waste time' so I can go to sleep ( It's not that i'm that free to waste time but I'm just stoning )

Anyways leaving that all behind~~ I've been feeling rather unmotivated recently~~ Just maybe there's just too many things on my mind and that's why I feel so distracted to be consistent in my studies.

Please Somebody Motivate ME!! =X


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Okies I feel quite down today~~~ Though I hardly show, but I guess it's cos of my ear and the extremELY scorching weather~~~ =X

BUT.. Something to be glad about.. Mr. Ear is improving and today i can hear quite abit already~~ Hopefully it'll improve gradually. =)

Yup, impromptu speech just gone by in a flash today and just one more presentation next week for world issues and then G

OHYES!! Exam's coming sooooon~~~ And man I feel so left behind because I've skipped a whole lot of lectures to either study or do project~~ So yup, hope that i'll be disciplined enough to STUDY HARD! Please hor ELY!! =)

Gosh I really need a someone.
I've never experienced that sort of thing before.
And sometimes I can really feel lonely and left out.

Sometimes I wonder how i managed to survive alone.
Anyway love is patience and kind.

If It's really Your Will Lord,
You'll show me that someone special


Monday, January 25, 2010

ME: Okies I think I've got ear infection~~

Doctor: How long has it been like that?

Me: For about three days but there's only discharge this morning.. I totally can't hear anything through my right ear!

Doctor: (checks my ear using the instrument) There's a hole in your ear drum!

NO no I'm not going to be deaf~~ The hole on my ear drum would heal over time~~ (At least that's what the doctor told me) =)

Although i was abit disappointed cos i won't be able to listen to stereo music cos now it's mono.. Anyways it's better then being impaired forever.


Anyways, Mr. Ear please heal faster!!! =P

Friday, January 22, 2010

Ohh gosh I can hardly breathe this week man!! And I bet i'll suffocate in the next few weeks~~

Okies test, quiz and more tests.. Though it helps me to be slightly ''consistent'' to study but i'm just so busy with my life. =X. Gosh, I have
even come to a point where quizzes are like life and death situations because I do face a reality, that if I don't buck up.. I'll have to retake that particular module (HPI)~~ =X.

Anyways on a random note again~~ I realised that I would feel really excited when
something different happens in the morning on my way to school~~

-Heavy rain
-traffic jam when on the bus.. Etc..

Anyway as long as the event is something different from the one before. LOL!!
Okies though\ i've got lots to update, but I needa SLEEP cos i'm super tired~~


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Gosh if there's one word to describe how I feel now.. It's gonna be a huge combination of words!! Seriously~~~~

Anyways I'm going through a down period of time now~~
- I haven't been following my schedule
- I'm like lagging way behind all my peers
- Lack in sleep causing my eyes to dry up easily; leads to blurring of contact lens~~
- bank account drying up cause I just can't seem to control how I spend my money

Was stoning in the mrt in my way to music lesson and at my uncle's house eating dinner.. and alot of random things just came flooding my head~~ Was just observing at how some people treat others like some maid; to do stuffs for them just because their tired. etc. Though no one has actually have done it to me before, but just by watching from the background really irks me~~

Another thought was about my life as a student~~ I'm starting to feel really solitary. Because of my tight schedule like almost everyday, I really cannot find time for my friends.. And when i'm at home, everybody's studying and I feel like I'm disturbing them if I chat with them or something~~ Gosh, I wish I could take away my single status (Just a random thought remember~~~)

Okies that's all for now~~ needa rest for a coming hectic day~~ GOODNIGHT!! =)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Gosh!! Okies I know I shouldn't be posting now at this day and hour~~~ Anyways I think I'm like 'dying'. So much to do but very little time~~~

-Weekends passed by like it was just a day.
-I just fell sick today.
-Tons of things to be done in my schedule book.
-Playing on both Saturday and Sunday so have to practice.
-Tons of Revision for all the upcoming tests.

Stressed! =X

Okies, leaving this all behind.. Ironically I feel reasonably motivated to study! =) Firstly, because I've created my own schedule book to plan the things I'm supposed to cover for the day. At least I wouldn't be so aimless~~ Finally, cause my class got a scolding today for being too slack and other stuffs.. Anyway to summerise, I now know the reality of life and I wanna do better!! =P

Yup that's all for now~~ Chopping back to work~~ =)


Saturday, January 02, 2010

Okies took this 'somewhere only I know' near the FLEA Yesterday~~ Lolx!!

Wow a whole lot of things happened during the past 2 weeks~~ Phew I can't hardly sit down and breathe with all that stress just piling up on my shoulder. =X.

Okies this is the Skeleton which Joey, Ely, Royston and Kent has been working on~~
Sometimes I wonder if the lecturer understood the difference between Science and design School! LOL!!

So yup the finalised one~~~ =)

Okies, this is the unique place which I spent my New year~~~

So yup this time, New Year celebration had the lest impact on me cos I feel that we're all just celebrate it like it's some habit or something.. Yup everything just go by without a plan, so we ended up hiking from Bugis to City Hall to Fort Canning Park to Douby Ghuat and back to bugis~~

Hahahahas, that least the way how we spent our night was different from what others are doing~~

- some at Marina Mirage
- some at Sentosa Beach Party
- some at chalets
- some at friend's home
- some just spending time with their parents, appreciating how much their parents have done for them.

So yup, at around 4am plus we cabbed home and on the way home the tire of the cab we were in punctured so we board another cab and the midnight charge plus public holiday was WOW!! Lolx!.. An ironic great start for a new year with my resolution to be someone less spendthrift. =X

Okies, more about the year 2009~~ Super duper summerised one~~

- 'O' level results
- the lifeless break while waiting for poly to start ( determined to work hard when school starts.. But apparently not~~ )
- I broke my ankle ( Believe me.. an AGONISING experience especially those who appreciate intensive sports )
- Poly life which wasn't as slack as what everyone told me it would be. (yeah right~~)

Okies I think I've dementia cos I could only recall the past events but not those current ones.

This year 2010

- I wanna be more sensible and matured
- I wanna be more hardworking (Gosh please mean it this time Ely~~)
- I wanna be less lame.. I mean seriously less lame so that I can walk properly (What a paradox!!)
- I wanna be more active in sports and not excuse it to the busyness of life
- I wanna spend more time with my parents whenever possible ( cos they really need to know how much I really appreciate them for providing for me) =)

Okies that's like all for now~~ Yup, JIAYOU JIAYOU EVERYBODY!! =)
